A few months ago I had a pleasure to create a lecture for Warsaw GameDev Meetup hosted by Techland. I had an idea of comparing the game development process with cooking. Let’s check the prototype version of my presentation.
Tag: production
Today I would like to present to you seven deadly sins of pre-production. And the reason for this talk is that every day of my game developer’s life, I’ve been thinking about how to help my team to create something better or do something faster. But being a producer in a creative environment is pretty
During one hour, Mark talked about his game development approach, setting proper goals and strategy for pre-production, production, and gameplay testing. The core is to define what is publishable first playable for the end of the pre-production and differs macro and micro design. What is more, he’s arguing with some common myths and mistakes made
Pracując przez kilka lat w Vivid Games nietrudno było nie mieć styczności z marką Real Boxing. Miałem okazję pracować przez jakiś czas zarówno przy wersji na platformę Android, iOS, czy też PS Vita, ale największym i najciekawszym wyzwaniem było przygotowanie wersji Mac i PC. Z tych kilku miesięcy pracy wyciągnąłem kilka wniosków, które mogą przydać